Can someone help me explain why I have a syntax error at this line: let wordMap = StringMap.empty
? This is contained in an .mll file. The module StringMap is defined above.
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
let wordlist =
let rec next l = match token lexbuf with
EOF -> l
| Word(s) -> next (s :: l)
in next []
let wordMap = StringMap.empty in
let wcList = StringMap.fold (fun word count l -> (string_of_int count ^ " " ^ word) :: l) wordMap [] in
List.iter print_endline wcList;;
I know it prints nothing, this is just for testing.
A declaration like:
let v = expr
can only appear at the outermost level of a module. It's the way to declare the global names of the module.
But you have such a declaration (of wordlist
) inside an expression:
let lexbuf = ... in
let wordlist = ...
In all places other than the outer level of a module, let
must be followed by in
. This is the way to declare a local variable (in any expression).
let v = expr1 in expr2
I'm not clear which of your names you want to be global. But one way to solve the problem would be to remove the first in
. Then you would have three global names, lexbuf
, wordlist
, and wordMap
Another way would be to add in
after the definition of wordlist
. Then you would have no global names.