I am new to Sonar. I have multi-module maven project. please find the Project structure below
| -Module A
-pom.xml (Module A)
| -Module B
-pom.xml (Module B)
| -Module C
| |
| -pom.xml (Module C)
--pom.xml (parent pom)
Note : (Module C is shared module in Module A/ Module B - means Internally module C will the part of into Module A , Module B library) Based on the Project requirement we have these structure.
Module C -common b/w both the module.
I am trying to create single sonar report for both the module, but I am not able to integrate all the module junit report (Module A and Module B report) into single report.I followed couple of example to combine the muti-module maven porject but nothing works.
similar issue1 similar issue2
github-example (reference given in sonar)
I am able to achieve Integration test coverage using sonar with Jococo plugin. To run the Sonar in local, i was facing the issue with SCM error in sonar. Every time it was failing in the in sonar report creation. For resolving the issue in local you need to disable the SCM configuration in sonar. login in local sonar as Admin - admin/admin (default username/password) Now under setting we have SCM tab - disable the SCM Senor and save the SCM Setting.
Now in Dashboard --> Configure widgets .Search "Integration Tests Coverage"
Now add widget into your Project Dashboard.
Follow the same configuration in your pom.xml as given in the link.