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Perl to python shift translation

I am a student learning Python as well as Perl. In our Perl program we used the code

my $param = shift;
my %local_hash = %$param;

when translating Perl to Python what would be the most similar way to 'shift' the hash or do I no longer need this part of code?

So far I have this in Python

def insert_user(local_hash):
    param = shift
    local_hash = {param}
    user_name = input("Please enter Username: ")
    user_name = user_name.replace('\n', '')


  • You do not even need to look for alternative of shift.

    In Perl subroutines are written as below:

    sub foo {
        my $arg1 = shift;
        my @rest_of_args = @_; stuff...

    In Python you have to define the arguments the function is expecting in function definition syntax.

    def foo (arg1, rest_of_args): stuff...

    Also see: