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How do I integrate Beyond Compare with ClearCase?

I would like to integrate Beyond Compare with ClearCase so that I can use it for diffing and merging files, instead of the awful tools provided by ClearCase.

Does anyone have instructions for performing this integration?


  • As mentioned in my previous answer, just modify the map file located in:

    # up to ClearCase 7.0
    c:\program files\rational\ClearCase\lib\mgrs


    # ClearCase 7.1 and more
    c:\program files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearCase\lib\mgrs

    Each map line has 3 parts: the CC filetype, the CC action, and the application.

    In your case, find the section in the map file for text_file_delta file types.
    There you will find lines for CC actions compare, xcompare, merge, and xmerge.

    Use BeyondCompare:

    text_file_delta xcompare C:\Progra~1\Beyond~1\bc2.exe  

    Beyond Compare 3 support all CC actions:

    text_file_delta compare C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BComp.exe
    text_file_delta xcompare C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BComp.exe
    text_file_delta merge C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BComp.exe
    text_file_delta xmerge C:\Program Files\Beyond Compare 3\BComp.exe 

    Note: For Beyond Compare 2, this page clearly mentions

    To use Beyond Compare 2, only change the xcompare line of the map file.
    Overriding compare, merge, and xmerge is not supported.
    A helper that improves BC2's support is available here.

    Note that what precedes is for ClearCase only, not CCRC (ClearCase Remote Client)

    This technote illustrates how to change the XML diff/Merge tool for CCRC (KDiff3 but you can adapt it to BeyondCompare):

    Change directories to the CCRC installation location > plugins ><os>_<ccrc ver>,
    Where <os> is the name of the operating system bits used and <ccrc ver> is the latest version of the CCRC update applied on the client.

    On Windows

    • CCRC 7.1 Default: C:\Program Files\IBM\IMShared\plugins
    • CCRC 7.0 Default: C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\ClearCase\CCRC\plugins\

    • Copy the KDiff3 executable from its installation path to the<os>_<ccrc ver> directory
    • Rename the ccrc_xmldiffmrg.exe to ccrc_xmldiffmrg_orig.exe
    • Rename KDiff3.exe to ccrc_xmldiffmrg.exe
    • Close and reopen CCRC

    CCRC Issue:

    When updating CCRC, the plug-in directory<os>_<ccrc ver> will change.
    The steps above will need to be run again in the new plug-in directory.

    Note: You can control when the updates occur by preventing CCRC from looking for updates automatically.
    Click Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Automatic Updates and disable automatic updates.

    disable automatic updates on CCRC