I want to build a Blog, of sorts, with Meteor but, rather than just have a Blog such as platypus.meteor.com, I want to create a separate Meteor template for each Blog "post" and then send a link to select people such as "platypus.meteor.com/thispost"
In this way, the person would only see the post I intend them to see; to see others, they would have to guess at other values, such as "/thatpost", "/theotherpost" etc.
And in my case, if they stumbled across them, no big deal.
This is my plan:
Create one template at a time:
<template name="thispost">
. . .
...and then allow access to that to whomever I apprise of its availability (that is, they simply enter the link I send them into their browser).
I don't know what sort of routing I need to set up; I'm open to either IronRouter or FlowRouter. At any rate, I want an URL like "platypus.meteor.com/thispost" (after a "meteor deploy platypus" of this project) to show the user the contents of that Template and nothing else.
So my question is: what do I have to do, routing-wise, to accomplish this?
How about simply:
template: this.params.templateName,
data: function(){ return Posts.findOne({ _id: this.params.postId })
Then you can generically share any post with any template and have the template name appear right in the route.