I'm trying to pass data which is continuously changed from the inside of one While loop to the inside of another While loop of a sub-vi. The main program on the left is constantly reading new data and the program on the right is adding 1 to the new value. My issue is that I cannot input new values to a While loop which is already running and thus my sub-vi is never updated. I've tried a global variable ("write" from the main program control and then "read" into the sub-vi) but that doesn't work either (same result as if the main were just passing data into the sub).
I apparently don't have enough reputation to post a picture of my program but I'm basically trying to run parallel loops (almost inside each other). Can anyone lend me an experienced hand?
The most common problem with while loops are based on lack of knowledge how exactly does the while loop work in LabVIEW.
First of all the information will be given outside the loop only if the condition terminal (right down corner of the loop) will be flagged as true.
If you want to pass the data earlier (while the loop is running) you have to choose easiest option:
Use queue (is the most common and well working). I can elaborate how this one work in practise if you want, or just try to run an example from LabVIEW help.
local/shared variables - you can define in your own library variables and pass the data by READ/WRITE option.
Please try to upload some documentation to an external server (as you are blocked here), and post a link, and then I could help you with a specific example.