I am using streambase, and have created a map to convert incoming integers (0-255) into character codes. Right now, I'm using manual if/else statements. For example:
if (message_code == '106') then
message_code = 'J'
else if (message_code == '110') then
message_code= 'N'
However, I'd like to just use this more generally. Searching Streambase Studio help didn't really provide anything as far as I could tell. I know this can be done in Java, but would probably require calling a java external function. I'm not so competent at this, so am a bit lost.
Is there a better way to do this in StreamBase?
Initial investigations confirm that the StreamBase Expression Language or built-in Functions don't have an obvious way to convert ints representing ASCII character values into a one-character string corresponding to the ASCII value. If there's some non-obvious trick I discover later, I'll come back and edit this answer.
I definitely wouldn't use a 255-clause if/then/else expression!
I would probably use a Java function and here is an example I've lightly tested:
package example;
public class ASCIIIntToString {
public static String ASCIIToString(Integer a) {
if (a == null || a < 0 || a > 255) {
return null;
} else {
return Character.toString((char) (int) a);
And the custom-function declaration to drop into your sbd.sbconf would look like this:
<custom-function alias="ASCIIToString"
But if you would rather not drop into Java and stay in EventFlow then two methods come to mind:
Disclosure/Disclaimer: I am an employee of TIBCO Software, Inc. Opinions expressed here are my own and not TIBCO's.