I'm using this bundle and I wanto to find my element by %LIKE%
My document is like this:
"_id": "60a403542a2b7d44bf84ed569d1e6efe",
"_rev": "1-9e1ed380dd91ac8c835ef0f8e152f0a8",
"type": "mytype",
"doctrine_metadata": {
"indexes": [
"name": "barfoo",
I want to Find all element that begin with barfo
I saw this link, but I don't know if this is a right Solution.
How Can I do Like
query in couchDb + symfony2 ?
There aren't %Like%
in couchDb (1.6.1), but you can use startkey and endkey.
You have to create a view like:
function (doc) {
if (doc.type = 'myType') {
emit(doc.name, doc.name);
with name for example people
For example and simplicity
Designname = people
viewname = people
After that you can do This Curl
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:5984/db/_design/people/_view/people?startkey="foo"&endkey="foo\ufff0"'
In this way you can find all element that begin with foo.
Why \ufff0 ? Check this link
String Ranges
If you need start and end keys that encompass every string with a given prefix, it is better to use a high value unicode character, than to use a 'ZZZZ' suffix.
That is, rather than:
startkey="abc"&endkey="abcZZZZZZZZZ" You should use:
How Can you do this in Symfony ?
If you want to create View by Symfony
You can Create the view in yourapp/AppBundle/CouchDocument/View/PeopleView.php
namespace yourapp\AppBundle\CouchDocument\View;
use Doctrine\CouchDB\View\DesignDocument;
class PeopleView implements DesignDocument
public function getData()
$people = <<<'JS'
function (doc) {
if (doc.type = 'myType') {
emit(doc.name, doc.name);
return array(
'views' => array(
'people' => array(
'map' => $people,
and in your controller you can do something like this
* @Route("/testPeople/{code}", name="test_people")
* @Method({"GET"})
* @Template("myAppBundle:People:test_query.html.twig")
public function testPeopleAction($code)
$dm = $this->container->get(
$peopleView = new PeopleView();
$client = $this->container->get('doctrine_couchdb.odm.default_document_manager');
$view = $client->createDesignDocument('people', $peopleView);
$relatedObjects = $dm->createNativeQuery('people', 'people')
->setEndKey($code . "\xEF\xBF\xB0")
$a = array();
foreach ($relatedObjects as $doc) {
$a[] = $doc['value'] //it is your results
return array(
'results' => $a
I saw the unitTest inside vendor/doctrine/couchdb/tests/Doctrine/Tests/CouchDB/CouchDBClientTest.php
to find something to usefull
I Don't Know if it is the best way, but for me it works :)