So, I had a question about getting word count to work properly in emacs LaTeX mode (auctex, actually, but never mind.) That was answered fine. Then I found I had trouble when the (buffer-file-name)
included spaces. This made it mess up. This problem was got around too. Now the problem is that the solution breaks when there AREN'T any spaces.
So currently I have two emacs commands:
(defun latex-word-count ()
(shell-command (concat "/usr/local/bin/ "
"-inc "
(shell-quote-argument (concat "'" (buffer-file-name) "'")))))
this works when there is a space in the containing folder.
(defun latex-word-c-nospace ()
(shell-command (concat "/usr/local/bin/ "
"-inc "
(shell-quote-argument (buffer-file-name)))))
This works when there is no space in the containing folder name. (OK so the indenting is a little screwey, but whatever)
My question: is there some way to have the same function work in both cases? This answer suggests the problem is with texcount rather than emacs. Is there a way to do this without messing about with Or is my best bet to poke in the way Chris Johnsen suggested on SU?
You always have the option of having emacs determine if the file name has a space:
(defun latex-word-count ()
(let* ((has-space (string-match " " buffer-file-name))
(quoted-name (shell-quote-argument
(if has-space
(concat "'" buffer-file-name "'")
(shell-command (concat "/usr/local/bin/ "
"-inc "