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Open .pack file (UNIX)

The ARM CMSIS library can be downloaded as a *.pack file. How can I open/'unpack'(?) it?

It seems there used to be a function, unpack, which has since been deprecated and delegated to gzip. However, gunzip does not seem to recognize the extension:

gzip: ARM.CMSIS.4.4.0.pack: unknown suffix -- ignored

zcat seems to read the file (it returns some formatted output that appear to be the contents, see below), but again fails with the following message (from gzip):

gzip: ARM.CMSIS.4.4.0.pack has more than one entry--rest ignored

(Some of zcat's output is shown below:)

    <example name="DSP_Lib Variance example" doc="Abstract.txt" folder="CMSIS/DSP_Lib/Examples/arm_variance_example/ARM">
      <description>DSP_Lib Variance example</description>
      <board name="uVision Simulator" vendor="Keil"/>
        <environment name="uv" load="arm_variance_example.uvprojx"/>
        <component Cclass="CMSIS" Cgroup="CORE"/>
        <component Cclass="CMSIS" Cgroup="DSP"/>
        <component Cclass="Device" Cgroup="Startup"/>
        <category>Getting Started</category>



  • Simply change the file extension from .pack to .zip and unzip it. As simple as that.

    I did try that both on Windows with 7zip and linux - worked!