I already have some code to generate 2D kml files, but I am interested in reproducing an image similar to this, with an associated depth profile to each position:
Is there a good reference (or perhaps python library) for doing this? I have not managed to find anything.
Image reference: Baird, R.W., S.W. Martin, D.L. Webster, and B.L. Southall. 2014. Assessment of Modeled Received Sound Pressure Levels and Movements of Satellite-Tagged Odontocetes Exposed to Mid-Frequency Active Sonar at the Pacific Missile Range Facility: February 2011 Through February 2013. Prepared for U.S. Pacific Fleet, submitted to NAVFAC PAC by HDR Environmental, Operations and Construction, Inc.
You may use other language to generate some kml files like the one in the following link:
hope this help