I'm a French native speaker, so my OS interface (GNU/Linux Xubuntu) is in French
Thus, when I plot a time series using Matplotlib with datetime
as X data, the returned plot have the months written in French
How can I obtain those printed dates in another language (typically English) ?
You can set the desired location/language using the locale
module. To get English, try setting locale
to en_US
In bash on Ubuntu, you may need to use en_US.utf8
In [1]: import datetime
In [2]: import locale
In [3]: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'fr_FR')
Out[3]: 'fr_FR'
In [4]: datetime.datetime(2015,7,1).strftime('%B')
Out[4]: 'juillet'
In [5]: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'en_US')
Out[5]: 'en_US'
In [6]: datetime.datetime(2015,7,1).strftime('%B')
Out[6]: 'July'