I have the following simple setup in Azure ML.
Basically the Reader is a SQL query to a DB which returns a vector called Pdelta, which is then passed to the R script for further processing and the results are then returned back to the web service. The DB query is simple (
SELECT Pdelta FROM ...
) and it works fine. I have set the DB query as a web service paramater as well.
Everything seems to work fine, but at the end when i publish it as a web service and test it, it somehow asks for an additional input parameter. The additional parameter gets called PDELTA
I am wondering why is this happening, what is it that I am overlooking? I would like to make this web service ask for only one parameter - the SQL query (Delta Query) which would then deliver the Pdeltas.
Any ideas or suggestions would be grealty appreciated!
You can remove the web service input block and publish the web service without it. That way the Pdelta input will be passed in only from the Reader module.