I'm getting occasional and unexpected HTTP 400 responses from nanohttpd
in my Android app. The error is following a specific pattern. I've been looking at this for some time now but I've come to the point where I need a different angle or some other help pointing me in the right direction.
Could you please have a look and share your thoughts or even direct points and suggestions?
Some Background
I'm running nanohttpd
in my Android project as a temporary isolation layer (due to server side not being mature enough yet). I have isolated the nanohttpd
server in an Android Service
, which I start from my custom Application
object once it's created. This way nanohttpd
is not bound to the lifecycle of any particular Activity
but can live rather independent of the overall application logic and component life cycles.
The Problem
Now, (almost) everything is working nice and dandy: I can start nanohttpd
and perform some initial login requests, my expected mock response is even delivered. When I perform my first "GET" request, though, nanohttpd
throws a 400 Bad request status at me, but only the first time. If I back out of the Activity
being responsible for the particular "GET" request, and launch it again (from the home screen), it delivers the expected payload with a 200 status, flawlessly.
What Have I Done So Far
I have had a closer look at the nanohttpd
source code, trying to track down where and why this 400 status is set. It's not that many places this status code is used. Roughly speaking only here, here and here. Since I'm not dealing with multipart content, I'm left with the first and third "here". But - of course - I can not for my life find neither the root cause of the 400 status, nor which exact block is causing the state for me. When I debug the code, everything works just peachy.
Some Code
This is roughly what my nanohttpd
) looks like:
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
if (ACTION_START.equals(intent.getAction())) {
String errorMessage = null;
if (myNanoHttpd == null) {
String hostUrl = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_HOST);
Uri uri = Utils.notEmpty(hostUrl) ? Uri.parse(hostUrl) : Uri.EMPTY;
myNanoHttpd = new MyNanoHttpd(this, uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), null);
if (!myNanoHttpd.isAlive()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter);
errorMessage = stringWriter.toString();
final ResultReceiver resultReceiver = intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_RESULT_LISTENER);
if (resultReceiver != null) {
int status = myNanoHttpd.isAlive() ? CODE_SUCCESS : CODE_FAILURE;
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(EXTRA_MESSAGE, errorMessage);
resultReceiver.send(status, bundle);
return Service.START_STICKY;
And this is how I start the service from my custom Application
object, initialize my client side state and fetch some content:
public void onCreate() {
// Yes, that is a Java 8 Lambda you see there!
.start(this, "http://localhost:8080")
.withStartupListener((status, message) -> {
if (status == 0) {
// POST REQUEST: Works like a charm
// GET REQUEST: Always fails on first launch
} else {
Log.e("LOG_TAG", "Couldn't start MyNanoHttpd: " + message);
It's safe to assume that the wrapping convenience code (the .withStartupListener(...)
- which essentially wraps a ResultReceiver
used by the above Service
- and the myNetworkHelper
object) works as expected. Also, in production, the getContent()
call would be made from an Activity
or Fragment
, but for the sake ease I have moved it to the Application
for now.
I may have found the root cause for my issue, and possibly even a workaround for the moment.
If I'm correct in my investigation, the issue was caused by unconsumed data from a previous (POST) request, contaminating the current (POST) request.
This line in the NanoHTTPD
code base (the header parsing block in the NanoHTTPD.HTTPSession.execute()
method, just before calling through to any custom serve(...)
method - the third "here" in my question above) was the very line where the HTTP 400 status code was thrown, and just as the code suggests, there was no proper value for the "method"
The value - which I expected to be "POST" in clear text - was contaminated with parts of the JSON content body from the previous request. As soon as I realized this, I tried to consume the entire request body in my custom MyNanoHttpd.serve(IHTTPSession session)
method, like so:
public Response serve(IHTTPSesion session) {
InputStream inputStream = session.getInputStream();
// or
// inputStream.skip(Long.MAX_VALUE);
// or even
// inputStream.close();
This didn't work, though, as I kept getting various exceptions. I ended up gently modifying the NanoHTTPD
code, safely closing the input stream in the finally
block of the very NanoHTTPD.HTTPSession.execute()
method instead.
I'm, nonetheless, considering reaching out to the NanoHTTPD community to discuss a suitable and sustainable solution.