I have been trying to do this query but im not sure about how is the syntax I need. I have seen a lot of examples of how to ask in a query to check if something is larger or shorter than other thing, but I have no idea of how to ask if something is IN other thing.
This is my last (failed) try:
PREFIX : <http:/dbpedia.org/resource/>
FILTER(<http:/dbpedia.org/resource/Paris> IN <http:/dbpedia.org/resource/Member_states_of_the_United_Nations>)
Part of the issue is that there's a DBpedia resource called
but what you actually want, since its the value of the dct:subject property, is the category,
For instance, you can get a list of countries that are member states with a query like:
select ?country {
?country a dbo:Country ;
dct:subject dbc:Member_states_of_the_United_Nations
However, Paris isn't a country that's a member. It's a city in France, which is a member. You can check whether something is a member with an ask query like:
ask {
dbr:France a dbo:Country ;
dct:subject dbc:Member_states_of_the_United_Nations
You could get a list of populated places in countries that are member with a query like:
select ?city ?country {
?city a dbo:PopulatedPlace ;
dbo:country ?country .
?country a dbo:Country ;
dct:subject dbc:Member_states_of_the_United_Nations .
SPARQL results (limited to 100)
and you can modify that to be an ask query that checks for cities with specific names. E.g.:
ask {
?city rdfs:label "Paris"@en ;
a dbo:PopulatedPlace ;
dbo:country ?country .
?country a dbo:Country ;
dct:subject dbc:Member_states_of_the_United_Nations .