I am iterating through a list and setting a shiro:hasPermission
attribute to each div
like this
<div th:each="element : ${elements}" shiro:hasPermission="${element.permission}">
<span th:text="${element.name}"></span>
where ${element.permission}
is a permission string.
The div is not rendering even when the user has the permission. I have tried using th:attr
like this:
<div th:each="element : ${elements}" th:attr="shiro:hasPermission=${element.permission}">
<span th:text="${element.name}"></span>
Still not working. I think the usage of shiro:hasPermission="${element.permission}"
is not correct. How do I fix this?
I am using Spring MVC + Thymeleaf + Thymeleaf Shiro dialect.
I am the author of the thymeleaf-extras-shiro library.
Version 1.2.2-SNAPSHOT supports expressions.