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livecode fullscreenmode exactfit do not work on all devices

I used the following code like it said in livecode tutorial

on preOpenStack
  set the fullscreenmode of me to "exactFit"
end preOpenStack

But when I tested my app it's not work on all devices. For example it works on Galaxy Note 3 but on Galaxy Tab S. I can only see a small part of the app

So I change the code like this:

on preOpenStack
  set the fullscreenmode of Stackname to "exactFit"
end preOpenStack

Now it works on Galaxy Tab, but not on Galaxy Note 3

I used other fullscreenmode options like letterbox but nothing changed.


  • At last I found source of the problem.

    It is the language of device.

    If language of device be RTL then app dose not run correctly.