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documentation for annotation_processors (buck)

Related to this ticket Parameters for annotation processors are disabled and undocumented

How do we use annotation_processors and annotation_processor_deps ?

Im using realm in a sample Android app and without the annotations (for @RealmClass and @RealmMoudule) the app crashes when built via buck (works normally if built via gradle).


  • In case anyone stumbles on this, the way to use annotation processors with buckbuild is:

    • The annotation_processors is a immutable list of processor class. You can identify this by the package name used in META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor file, example: Realm Processor
    • The annotation_processor_deps is a immutable list of Rules (generally prebuilt_jar or android_prebuilt_aar) holding the annotation processor

    A sample buck build file of a project that uses Realm Java

      name = 'realm',
      binary_jar = 'libs/realm-android-0.82.2.jar'
      name = 'main-lib',
      srcs = glob(['app/src/main/java/com/yourcompany/project/**/*.java']),
      deps = [
      annotation_processors = ['io.realm.processor.RealmProcessor'],
      annotation_processor_deps = [':realm']