When using the NuGet package manager to install a package containing an assembly whose name ends in .Resources, the package installs correctly but a reference to that assembly is not added to the project.
Tools: -
.nuspec file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
.nupkg contents: -
- lib
- net46 (.NETFramework,Version=4.6)
- ClassLibrary.Resource.dll
- ClassLibrary.Resources.dll
- ClassLibrary.Resourcex.dll
- ClassLibrary.ResourcesWhatever.dll
- ClassLibrary.Whatever.dll
- ClassLibrary.WhateverResources.dll
All 6 of the assemblies are empty class libraries targetting .Net 4.6.
When installing the nuget package, references are added for all assemblies except: -
- ClassLibrary.Resources.dll
It would seem specifically that assemblies whose name ends in .Resources are causing the problem.
The problem continues further when upgrading such an assembly - the reference remains pointing to the previous version and indeed the package itself remains in the packages folder.
A workaround, of course, is to simply add a reference manually but this is proving to be repetitive and tiresome for a regularly changing library used in mutliple projects.
It appears to be by design: -