Can I expect users to be able to run software that uses OpenGL 3.x?
Can Linux users who have open-source graphics drviers run OpenGL 3.x? I know that Mesa3D 7.8 only supports OpenGL 2.1.
I also know that OS X Snow Leopard supports some but not all OpenGL 3.0 features. I don't know the situation on Leopard.
I don't know the situation on XP, Vista, and Windows 7.
I'd like to start learning OpenGL, and my interest lies more in scientific and engineering applications than games. I know I'll be reading code that uses OpenGL 1.x, but I'd like to write code using the newest specification I can expect user's systems to support. I'm wondering whether I should start learning 2.1 or 3.3. I was thinking of getting either the 4th edition of the OpenGL Superbible to learn 2.1 or the 5th edition which is coming out July 30 to learn 3.3. (I have a bachelor's in physics, so my math background is pretty good.)
Edit: I found this related question with answers that are relevant to my question.
As Martin Beckett already pointed out, the situation is really rather bad as far as support for OpenGL 3.x is concerned. Many "modern" graphic chipsets widely used in notebooks (yes, Intel, I'm looking at you) do not even fully support OpenGL 2.x; some even lack features as old as multisampling.
The only way to make your software run on as many systems as possible is to use things like GLEW to decide which features to use at runtime (i.e. no need for conditional compiling).
As far as learning OpenGL is concerned, 2.1 is definitely a good choice, because it enables you to understand both older code using the fixed-function pipeline and more modern code relying on shaders. Afterwards, getting to grips with the most important 3.x features (e.g. frame buffer objects, vertex array objects) will be rather easy.