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GWTP REST-Dispatch - What is the new usage for rest dispach, since the removal of the RestService interface in 1.5 release

Hi everybody,

I encounter implementation issues with the rest-dispatch module of the gwtp framework.

If i follow the current documentation, the resource interface defining what a service provide should be as follow:

public interface FooResource {

    RestAction<FooDTO> getFoo();


On the client side (without delegate extension):

@Inject RestDispatch dispatcher;
@Inject FooResource fooResource;

dispatcher.execute(fooResource.getFoo(), new AsyncCallback<FooDTO>() {
     public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {


     public void onSuccess(FooDTO fooDto) {



The RestDispatch is waiting for method that return RestAction, but since the RestService interface has been remove from 1.5 release:

How can i implements the FooResource ?


In the carstore sample project, the only resource that uses RestAction is:

But it's implementation, is in fact not an implementation in that case:

Should i follow this example, and what is the purpose of an non-implemented Interface ?

I assume that my question is very specific and it is maybe principally directed to the authors of gwtp.

And i thank in advance those who will respond.


  • The rest-dispatch is a client-library, and the interface that describes the services are not to use on the server side. I was attempting to do something not intended by the authors of GWTP.

    Yet, the DelegateResource extension is a solution, if you want to use the interface on the server side too. It comes with a drawback: the anability to have type safe callback on the client side.

    To go further, here the exchange i had with the team on github: