I have a bit of problem, I get this code from the internet and i alter it for my own use. i run the sample and it works fine, no problem. after i change it for my program, it doesnt show any error, just 0 rows affected. turned out, the xml column return nothing.I'm hoping for some hint.
declare @input XML
set @input = '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
;with GrabXML AS
CurrencyBal.value('@BCurrencyCode', 'varchar(10)') as 'BCurrencyCode',
CurrencyBal.value('@StockBalance', 'decimal(18,2)') as 'StockBalance'
@input.nodes('/NewDataSet/CurrencyTransact') as n(CurrencyBal)
update dbo.Currency
set StockBalance = g.StockBalance
from GrabXML g
where dbo.Currency.CurrencyCode = g.BCurrencyCode
i just altered this line to make it works.Problem solve!
CurrencyBal.value('(BCurrencyCode)[1]', 'varchar(10)') as 'BCurrencyCode',
CurrencyBal.value('(StockBalance)[1]', 'decimal(18,2)') as 'StockBalance'