Right now the setup for my javascript chat works so it's like
function getNewMessage()
//code would go here to get new messages
And within the function I would use JQuery to make a get post to retrieve the messages from a php scrip which would 1. Start SQL connection 2. Validate that it's a legit user through SQL 3. retrieve only new message since the last user visit 4. close SQL
This works great and the chat works perfectly. My concern is that this is opening and closing a LOT of SQL connections. It's quite fast, but I'd like to make a small javascript multiplayer game now, and transferring user coordinates as well as the tens of other variables 3 times a second in which I'm opening and closing the sql connection each time and pulling information from numerous tables each time might not be efficient enough to run smoothly, and might be too much strain on the server too.
Is there any better more efficient way of communicating all these variables that I should know about which isn't so hard on my server/database?
Don't use persistent connections unless it's the only solution available to you!
When MySQL detects the connection has been dropped, any temporary tables are dropped, any active transaction is rolled back, and any locked tables are unlocked. Persistent connections only drop when the Apache child exits, not when your script ends, even if the script crashes! You could inherit a connection in the middle of a transaction. Worse, other requests could block, waiting for those tables to unlock, which may take quite a long time.
Unless you have measured how long it takes to connect and identified it as a very large percentage of your script's run time, you should not consider using persistent connections. In fact, that should be what you do here, if you're worried about performance. Check out xhprof or xdebug, profile your code, then start optimizing.