In AppVeyor I would like to setup the build number with the release number from Github. That would be used for the AssemblyVersion patching.
I am using GitFlow, and have a release branch. In SourceTree I create a new Release, for example v1.2, which creates the branch release/v1.2. The 1.2 part I would like to use in AppVeyor.
Like, Build version format:{gitRelease}.{build}
for this to work,
But I cannot find how to do this.
For the build itself I have a build script, to sent the output (nuget package) to Octopus Deploy, so that means there is no Before build script section.
With the help from the Support Staff from AppVeyor, I got it working. 1733-how-to-call-the-assemblyversion-patch-from-the-build-script
I have to use the init section in the appveyor.yml. And I used a seperate cmd line for the UpdateBuild - version (I had some trouble with the qoutes).
- cmd: "set appVeyorBuildVersion=%appveyor_build_version%\necho appVeyorBuildVersion:%appVeyorBuildVersion% \n\nset branch=%APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%\necho branch:%branch%\n\nset gitVersion=%branch:~-3%\necho gitversion:%gitVersion%\n\nset newVersion=%gitVersion%.%APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER%\necho %newVersion%\n\n"
- cmd: appveyor UpdateBuild -Version "%newVersion%"
patch: true
file: '**\AssemblyInfo.*'
assembly_version: '{version}'
assembly_file_version: '{version}'
assembly_informational_version: '{version}'
- cmd: "echo Building version:%appveyor_build_version%"
- cmd: "nuget restore\nmsbuild MySolution.sln /t:build /p:Configuration=Release"
The command line part (better readable):
echo repo branch:%APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%
echo branch:%branch%
set gitVersion=%branch:~-4%
echo gitversion:%gitVersion%
set newVersion=%gitVersion%.%APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER%
echo %newVersion%
appveyor UpdateBuild -Version "%newVersion%"