I have a handsontable object (in fact two objects, both in a bootstrap modal) that have data loaded after the page is built. Here's a jsfiddle that duplicates the problem https://jsfiddle.net/mtbdeano/w7dofbyy/
The tables are sized way too narrow, even given the stretchH: all
option. Once I click in the content, they resize like magic to the correct column width. Am I missing some initialization parameter? How can I have it size to the correct width after loading new data?
/* these tables are in the modal */
data: keyword_data,
rowHeaders: true,
colHeaders: ['Keywords'],
columnSorting: true,
contextMenu: true,
height: 256,
stretchH: "last",
enterBeginsEditing: false,
minSpareRows: 1
I am loading the data using this code which is called on a successful ajax call:
function load_table_from_ajax(tbl, data) {
var $tbl = $(tbl);
var hot = $tbl.handsontable('getInstance');
// this formats my data appropriately
var new_data = _.map(data, function (kw) {
return new Array(kw);
/* I have tried also doing a: hot.render(); */
All the code looks correct as per tutorials, any idea why the table doesn't stretch/resize correctly?
Before interacting with the Handsontable, it looks like this: but after clicking the header or adding a value:
Try giving a width
on initialization. Since you're not setting it, the stretchH
might be having trouble doing the calculations it needs. I've seen that behavior before and setting this usually fixes it.