I have a C ruby extension that I document with rdoc. There are both C files and ruby files that are parsed by rdoc.
Does yard can do the same and is there an "easy way", (I mean a commonly used way) to migrate from rdoc to yard?
As @Neil Slater said, Yard can parse rdoc style documentation with one exception which is the :call-seq
tag from rdoc. Its equivalent is @overload
from Yard. (see rdoc, darkfish, and the :call-seq: tag)
For me I used a Rake task in order to generate the rdoc documentation:
require "rdoc/task"
RDOC_FILES = FileList["README.rdoc", "ext/clangc/clangc.c", "ext/clangc/constants.c", "ext/clangc/class_Index.c", "ext/clangc/class_TranslationUnit.c", "lib/clangc.rb"]
Rake::RDocTask.new do |rd|
rd.main = "README.rdoc"
rd.rdoc_dir = "doc"
I just have to launch rake rdoc
In order to use Yard instead, I just have to create a Rake task like this:
require "yard"
YARD_FILES = FileList["ext/clangc/clangc.c", "ext/clangc/class_Index.c", "ext/clangc/class_TranslationUnit.c", "lib/clangc.rb"]
YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t|
t.files = YARD_FILES # optional
t.options = %w(-o yard_documentation --readme README.rdoc) # optional
Then I use rake yard
. There still are some errors but the this is a good begining.