I am having trouble integrating MoPub SDK. I am following the documentation on twitter to download the android SDK, then editing the build path on my project's folder to incorporate it but I keep getting several build errors. I have android-support-v4.jar in a different folder but I've tried adding it as an external .jar but I get 2000+ errors. Even including the .jar's that are needed for the SDK (mopub volley support annotations, etc) doesn't help the build path.
Can anyone with experience help me with this issue?
I had a problem adding third party libraries or even support libraries to Eclipse
These libraries may come with resources or just .jar file.
How to add with resources libraries:
Android Project From Existing Code
> Android
at the bottom check the Is Library
> Android
at the bottom Add
to add library then choose the wanted library.How to add *.jar libraries:
> Java Build Bath
> Add JARs
> choose the *.jar from your libs
folder.EDIT: I get to your question while trying to add MoPub
library to my project and I got same errors.
Then after searching little deep .. I fix it and it is error free now.Here is the solution that works for me:
download these files required by MoPub
: mopub-volley-1.1.0.jar and Millennial Media SDK 6.1.zip
Extract Millennial Media SDK 6.1.zip
inside extracted folder you will find two folders open the one with the same name Millennial Media SDK 6.1
... you will find two folders again open that one mm-ad-sdk-android-6.1.0-5323db4
you will find a folder and two zip files extract that one mm-ad-sdk-android-ant-6.1.0-5323db4.zip
with ant
in the name.
Create a project from the extracted folder as I referred before in How to add with resources libraries you get MMActivity
From file
tab > Import
> Existing projects into workspace
then choose mopub-android-full-sdk.zip
you will get a project with some errors.
Copy android-support-annotations.jar
, android-support-v4.jar
and mopub-volley-1.1.0.jar
to libs folder of mopub-sdk
Create a project from android-support-v7-recyclerview as referred before in How to add with resources libraries you will get recyclerview project.
From Project Properties
> Android
> Add
.. add the MMActivity and recyclerview as
That works for me. I hope this is helpful for you.