I want to subclass NSURLSession class, but I have problem with initialisation.
Basically I override the constructor and initialising the constant authUrl
there then calling the parent init method.
class NSURLAuthSession: NSURLSession {
let authUrl:NSURL;
//Error: Initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass
override init(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration, delegate: NSURLSessionDelegate?, delegateQueue queue: NSOperationQueue?){
self.authUrl = NSURL.URLWithBaseURLString("", pathSegments: ["users", "login"])!
super.init(configuration: configuration, delegate: delegate, delegateQueue: queue)
From the source code of NSURLSession I found out that it has two initializers:
public /*not inherited*/ init(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration)
public /*not inherited*/ init(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration, delegate: NSURLSessionDelegate?, delegateQueue queue: NSOperationQueue?)
I expected the "longest" init to be the designated initializer but it's not.
I suspect that that designated initializer is the init()
that is not even specified in the source code.
How can I override the initializer and set up the configuration NSURLSessionConfiguration
You can not.
The only designated initializer is NSURLSession.init()
and you must call it from your subclass initializer. NSURLSession
, delegate
and delegateQueue
properties are read-only so you can not manually set them.
The better way is to wrap NSURLSession
with custom class:
class NSURLAuthSession {
private let urlSession: NSURLSession
init(urlSession: NSURLSession) {
self.urlSession = urlSession
thus you will have more control and customization options.