I have read the tutorial on XML parsing in Bada. But I don't want to use a file. I need to parse my XML from a Osp::Base::String. Any ideas which methods should I use? So far I have replaced
xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
if(xpathCtx == NULL) {
AppLog("Error: unable to create new XPath context");
xpathCtx = (xmlXPathContextPtr) xmlXPathNewCString("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?><title lang=\"en\">XQuery Kick Start</title><title lang=\"en\">Learning XML</title>");
But the emulator simply closes.
Thank you.
Your code is wrong because you cannot cast from xmlXPathObjectPtr to xmlXPathContextPtr: they are different structs.
The code given in the tutorial is right, just use
xmlDocPtr xmlReadDoc (const xmlChar * cur,
const char * URL,
const char * encoding,
int options)
instead of
To understand how to use this function have a look at the docs and at the examples on libXML2 website.