I'm trying to get browserSync to work with a typescript compiler and angular. When I change something in my app.ts, it recompiles properly, and browsersync prints "Reloading Browsers..." but the browser never actually reloads. I can't seem to figure out why it's not reloading, perhaps it has something to do with the way Angular 2 handles refreshes?
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var tsc = require('gulp-typescript');
var tsProject = tsc.createProject('tsconfig.json');
var config = require('./gulp.config')();
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
var reload = browserSync.reload;
// Start a local server in base directory
gulp.task('serve', function() {
server: {
baseDir: './'
// Watch for changes in html and ts files in base directory, reload if they occur
gulp.watch(['*.html', '*.ts'], ['reloady']);
// Watches for changes in css files, grabs the files, pipes them to browsersync stream
// This injects the css into the page without a reload
gulp.watch('*.css', function() {
gulp.task('compile-ts', function() {
var sourceTsFiles = [
var tsResult = gulp
return tsResult.js
gulp.task('reloady', ['compile-ts'], function() {
console.log("Reload SHOULD have happened.");
Edit: Solved! In order for Browsersync to connect properly the body tag must be present in your website (we add a script tag just after it). See my answer below for details.
Well I've finally figured it out, the answer turns out to be simple, as these things go.
I was just starting out with Angular 2 so I made a quick little hello world, and the files get served up with browsersync just fine, and I could manually reload it. However, when browsersync.reload() was called, it wasn't doing anything. In the help/about section of the browsersync UI, it says the following:
Why isn’t Browsersync connecting with my project? 99% of the time, it's because your web page doesn't have a body tag. In order for Browsersync to connect properly the body tag must be present in your website (we add a script tag just after it).
In my quick creation of the html for the hello world app, I never put body tags in. Problem solved!