I want to transpose a column in several smaller parts based on another column's values e.g.
1 ID1 V1
2 ID1 V2
3 ID1 V3
4 ID2 V4
5 ID2 V5
6 ID3 V6
7 ID3 V7
8 ID3 V8
9 ID3 V9
I wish to have all V
values for each ID to be in one row e.g.
ID1 V1 V2 V3
ID2 V4 V5
ID3 V6 V7 V8 V9
Each id has different number of rows to transpose as shown in the example. If it is easier to use the serial number column to perform this then that is fine too.
Can anyone help ?
Here is a simple awk one-liner to do the trick:
awk '1 {if (a[$2]) {a[$2] = a[$2]" "$3} else {a[$2] = $3}} END {for (i in a) { print i,a[i]}}' file.txt
ID1 V1 V2 V3
ID2 V4 V5
ID3 V6 V7 V8 V9