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Voicing Script Bug

I'm working on an auto voice/devoice script snippet for an mIRC bot when a nick is lower case it'll voice the nick. Then when the nick is changed and it's upper it should devoice people or if there's an upper nick to lower case nick it voices them. My issue is it won't recognize nick changes to voice or devoice a user.

#lowercheck on
alias -l _c return #
alias startwithlower { 
  if ( $1 ) {
    return $islower($left($regsubex($$1,/\W+/g,$null),1))
  else return $false
on @*:JOIN:#Tristram_Halls:{
  if ( $startwithlower($nick) == $true ) {
    mode $_c +v $nick
on @*:NICK:{
  if ( ( $startwithlower($newnick) == $false ) && ( $newnick !isvoice $_c ) )  {
    mode $_c -v $newnick
  elseif ( ( $startwithlower($newnick) == $true ) && ( $newnick isvoice $_c ) ) {
    mode $_c +v $newnick


  • ON NICK is action that happens on nick and execute for every channel, than if your bot should handle many channels it should change how you voice the user in every channel you want to grant him a voice.

    If the bot only has OP+ control in 1 channel than the following will fix you issue (you switched between isvoice for both cases):

    on @*:NICK:{
      if ( ( $startwithlower($newnick) == $false ) && ( $newnick isvoice $_c ) )  {
        mode $_c -v $newnick
      elseif ( ( $startwithlower($newnick) == $true ) && ( $newnick !isvoice $_c ) ) {
        mode $_c +v $newnick

    A nicer implementation will be:

    #lowercheck on
    alias -l _c return #
    alias startwithlower { 
        return $1 && $islower($left($regsubex($$1,/\W+/g,$null),1))
    on @*:JOIN:#Tristram_Halls:{
      if ($startwithlower($nick)) {
        mode $_c +v $nick
    on @*:NICK:{
        if ($startwithlower($newnick)) {
            if ($newnick !isvoice $_c) {
                mode $_c +v $newnick
            if ($newnick isvoice $_c) {
                mode $_c -v $newnick