Search code examples

Foreign data wrapper remote trigger cannot find a remote table

Remote schema:

some_table_view_trigger (INSTEAD OF INSERT)
    -- tries to access some_table (select/update/insert)

Local schema:

    -- wraps some_table_view on remote

Now on local, when I run an INSERT on some_table_view_fdw, I get relation not found: some_table.

  • I can select from some_table_view_fdw just fine (some_table_view just returns * from some_table).
  • insert into some_table_view works just fine if run locally (on the remote). The trigger does what it should.
  • Note that some_table_view_fdw does not reference some_table directly, so I guess the trigger must be running but then for some reason can't find it's own table?

I am using postgres 9.3


  • The problem stems from the fact that while querying a remote server search_path parameter is set to pg_catalog. References to tables in the schema public are therefore not automatically solved.

    To resolve this problem use absolute table names in the trigger function, e.g. public.my_table instead of my_table. This also applies to all the functions and views used in triggers or views.

    You can also set search_path in the trigger function, although I would not recommend this solution. When the trigger is fired locally, the quietly changed parameter will be in force until the end of the session, what could cause further confusions.

    Treat it as a curiosity: how to check search_path on remote server with postgres_fdw?

    Create the test table with the trigger on remote server (locally):

    create table test_path (id int, val text);
    create or replace function path_trigger()
    returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
        select setting into new.val
        from pg_settings where name = 'search_path';
        return new;
    end $$;
    create trigger path_trigger
    before insert on test_path
    for each row execute procedure path_trigger();
    insert into test_path (id) values (1) returning *;
     id |      val     
      1 | "$user",public
    (1 row)

    On local server create foreign table and fire the remote trigger:

    create foreign table test_path (id int, val text)
    server backup_server
    options (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test_path'); 
    insert into test_path (id) values (2) returning *;
     id |    val     
      2 | pg_catalog
    (1 row)