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Change postmeta color in tumblr theme? (CSS)

Here's a screenshot of my current theme:

blog screenshot

As you can see, the postmeta at the bottom ("9 minutes ago, notes") are in a really light grey font color that doesn't work with my current background color. I want to make the font darker here's a sample of the code for what a post looks like in this theme:


    <div class="permalink">
        {block:IfNotDisqusShortname}<a href="{Permalink}">&rarr;</a>{/block:IfNotDisqusShortname}
        {block:Date}{block:IfDisqusShortname}<a href="{Permalink}#disqus_thread"></a>{/block:IfDisqusShortname}{/block:Date}

    <div class="photo post">

            <img src="{PhotoURL-500}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"/>


        <div class="postmeta">{block:Date}<a href="{Permalink}">{TimeAgo}</a>&nbsp; {/block:Date}<a href="{Permalink}" style="text-transform:lowercase;">{lang:Notes} ({NoteCount})</a></div>

            <a href="{TagURL}" class="tag">
            <span class="pound">#</span>{Tag}</a>&nbsp;




I added this to my style section:

.postmeta a { color: #788ECE; }

but it did absolutely nothing. The font color of the postmeta is still the same.

What am I doing wrong?

(Note: this wasn't a theme I built, I'm just trying to customize it. Edit: Original theme located here).


  • Use it like that:

    #content .post .postmeta a,
    #content .post .postmeta a:link,
    #content .post .postmeta a:visited {
        color: #788ECE;

    You can use your browser's inspector to see which styles are assigned to an element.