I want to test if I have 0, 1, 2 or 3 times a pictures ('foo.png') in a certain page with Cucumber.
How should I write the custom step?
You need to write a custom cucumber step that uses a custom rspec expectation matcher.
The sudo code would look something like this.
Given I am on the images page
Then I should see 3 images
This file would use nokogiri to collect all the images with a given name and then use rspec to validate your expectation.
Then /^I should see (.+) images$/ do |num_of_images|
html = Nokogiri::HTML(response.body)
tags = html.xpath('//img[@src="/public/images/foo.png"]')
tags.length.should eql(num_of_images)
Here is a working Rspec example that shows how to use Nokogiri with Rspec
require 'nokogiri'
describe "ImageCount" do
it "should have 4 image" do
html = Nokogiri::HTML('<html><body><div id=""><img src="/public/images/foo.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/foo.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/foo.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/foo.png"></div> </html></body>')
tags = html.xpath('//img[@src="/public/images/foo.png"]')
tags.length.should eql(4)
it "should have 3 image" do
html = Nokogiri::HTML('<html><body><div id=""><img src="/public/images/bar.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/foo.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/foo.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/foo.png"></div> </html></body>')
tags = html.xpath('//img[@src="/public/images/foo.png"]')
tags.length.should eql(3)
it "should have 1 image" do
html = Nokogiri::HTML('<html><body><div id=""><img src="/public/images/bar.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/aaa.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/bbb.png"></div> <div id=""><img src="/public/images/foo.png"></div> </html></body>')
tags = html.xpath('//img[@src="/public/images/foo.png"]')
tags.length.should eql(1)