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How to prevent Oracle to use short circuit in PL/SQL

The following PL/SQL code shows the function ensure(...) and how I will use it in Oracle 11g.

valid boolean;
function ensure(b boolean, failure_message varchar) return boolean is begin
  if not b then
    return false;
    return true;
  end if;
end ensure;
  valid := true;
  valid := valid 
        and ensure(1=1, 'condition 1 failed') 
        and ensure(1=2, 'condition 2 failed') 
        and ensure(2=3, 'condition 3 failed');

  if not valid then
    dbms_output.put_line('some conditions failed, terminate the program');
  end if;

  dbms_output.put_line('do the work');

I want to use ensure(...) to pre-validate a set of conditions, the program is allowed to do the work only if all conditions pass.

I want the program to evaluate every ensure(...) even if the preceding ensure(...) return false, so that the failure_message will be printed for every conditions that fails.

The problem is Oracle uses short-circuit evaluation and ignore the rest conditions that come after the one that return false. For example, the above program prints the following message.

condition 2 failed
some conditions failed, terminate the program

How to tell Oracle to not use short-circuit evaluation so that the above program print the following message.

condition 2 failed
condition 3 failed
some conditions failed, terminate the program


  • Try:

    valid boolean;
    con1 boolean;
    con2 boolean;
    con3 boolean;
    function ensure(b boolean, failure_message varchar) return boolean is begin
      if not b then
        return false;
        return true;
      end if;
    end ensure;
      valid := true;
      con1 := ensure(1=1, 'condition 1 failed') ;
      con2 := ensure(1=2, 'condition 2 failed') ;
      con3 := ensure(2=3, 'condition 3 failed');
      valid := con1 AND con2 AND con3;
      if not valid then
        dbms_output.put_line('some conditions failed, terminate the program');
      end if;
      dbms_output.put_line('do the work');