Trying to follow an example made here, I was reproducing the following code:
# Load required packages
# Load datasets
df <- data.frame(state.x77,
State =,
Abbrev =,
Region = state.region,
Division = state.division
# Create scatterplot matrix
p <- ggpairs(df,
# Columns to include in the matrix
columns = c(3,5,6,7),
# What to include above diagonal
# list(continuous = "points") to mirror
# "blank" to turn off
upper = "blank",
# What to include below diagonal
lower = list(continuous = "points"),
# What to include in the diagonal
diag = list(continuous = "density"),
# How to label inner plots
# internal, none, show
axisLabels = "none",
# Other aes() parameters
colour = "Region",
title = "State Scatterplot Matrix"
# Show the plot
I was supposed to get an image with legend for each plot.
But instead, I am getting one without any legend.
Any tips of why the image I am getting does not have the legends? My particular case needs them!
I am using R v. 3.2.2, and tried both in RStudio and RGui.
Thanks in advance!
There should be a standard way to to it, but I could not find one. The old print function is still there and accessible but as in internal function. Try this instead of the print:
And if you add this (thanks to this post answer Legend using ggpairs )
colidx <- c(3,5,6,7)
for (i in 1:length(colidx)) {
# Address only the diagonal elements
# Get plot out of plot-matrix
inner <- getPlot(p, i, i);
# Add ggplot2 settings (here we remove gridlines)
inner <- inner + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())
# Put it back into the plot-matrix
p <- putPlot(p, inner, i, i)
for (j in 1:length(colidx)){
if((i==1 & j==1)){
# Move the upper-left legend to the far right of the plot
inner <- getPlot(p, i, j)
inner <- inner + theme(legend.position=c(length(colidx)-0.25,0.50))
p <- putPlot(p, inner, i, j)
# Delete the other legends
inner <- getPlot(p, i, j)
inner <- inner + theme(legend.position="none")
p <- putPlot(p, inner, i, j)
You get something much better: