Class<?> c = Class.forName("other");
Field[] field = c.getDeclaredFields();
System.out.println("name of field: "+fieldA[0].getName());
I can retrieve field name from other .java
file but not the value.
< file> public int namefield = 5;
from my
execute file
I would like to retrieved the field name and the value.
display: name of field: namefield value: 5
Assume your class, which you want to inspect is:
public class ClassA {
private String someString = "foo";
public String anotherString = "bar";
The call of ClassA.class.getDeclaredFields()
will return an array with two elements, but as one of the fields is private it cannot be accessed directly. To be able to you have to make it accessible first:
ClassA objectOfTypeClassA = ...
for (Field f : objectOfTypeClassA.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
System.out.println("Value of "+f.getName()+" in class "+ClassA.class.getName()+" is "+f.get(objectOfTypeClassA));
To retrieve the value of a non static field you need to pass along the object instance on which the field value is defined.