I have a problem using openxml function in my stored procedure, as you can see, the select statement returns empty row. I suspect the sql couldn't read the xml directories.this is the first time i'm using this function, so i am not sure is this the right way to use it.btw i am using sql server 2008 r2. here's the code to reproduce the problem.
Declare @hddoc int
Declare @Doc xml
SET @Doc = ' <DataSet>
<designation>System Analyst</designation>
SELECT @hddoc
SET @iDoc = 1
FROM OPENXML(@iDoc,'/Dataset/tblEmp')
WITH ( name varchar(50) '@name',
designation varchar(50) '@designation'
The issue is that the supplied table mapping is indicating the the values should be attributes; however, in the XML they are elements. Change your OPENXML
statement to be like the following and it should return the expected results.
SELECT * FROM OPENXML(@iDoc,'/DataSet/tblEmp',2)
WITH ( name varchar(50) 'name',
designation varchar(50) 'designation'
basically the two changes are to specify element centric mapping and the update the relative xpath to looking for elements instead of attributes.