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NSAppTransportSecurity option not listed in Xcode plist editor

I am trying to add the App Transport Security keys to my Info.plist as described in the following Apple tech note (Exclusions section)

When I edit the Info.plist file, I did the following:

  1. Click on the '+' next to 'Information Property List' to create a new top level key
  2. Clicked the dropdown to select "NSAppTransportSecurity'

However Xcode doesn't list the option in the drop down list (screenshot below).

Do I need to open the Info.plist file in a text editor and edit this manually?! Or am I missing some (probably obvious!) step?

I'm using Xcode 7.0.1


enter image description here


  • Xcode 7.1 lists the option in the dropdown (App Transport Security Settings). In earlier versions you need to type the raw key NSAppTransportSecurity and set the type to dictionary.