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Facebook SDK 4.5 IOS 9

I got an issue with the new FBSDK. Whenever I try to call the login method logInWithReadPermissions, I get this error message:

ERROR : "canOpenUrl : failed for url "fbauth2://" error: "(null)"

I have my config .plist file following the ios9 tuto ( ) on dev.facebook. So, I got the NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary and the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes array (with the string "fbauth2" on it)

Would you know how to resolve this error?


  • 1] Authentication in Developer.facebook and generate Facebook Id like :=>460481580805052

    2] Set Bitcode : No From Build Settings

    3] Set up Plist File

        <string>fbauth2 </string>

    4] Download 4 Sdk Framework like
