I have a CSV file with following headers and (sample) data:
StreetA @ StreetB,1 NameA,DirectionA,Lat,Long
StreetC @ StreetD,1 NameA,DirectionA,Lat,Long
StreetE @ StreetF,1 NameA,DirectionB,Lat,Long
StreetG @ StreetH,1 NameA,DirectionB,Lat,Long
StreetI @ StreetJ,2 NameB,DirectionC,Lat,Long
StreetK @ StreetL,2 NameB,DirectionC,Lat,Long
StreetM @ StreetN,2 NameB,DirectionD,Lat,Long
StreetO @ StreetP,2 NameB,DirectionD,Lat,Long
I am wanting to use regex (currently in Notepad++) to get the following results:
1 NameA - DirectionA=[[StreetA @ StreetB,[Lat,Long]], [StreetC @ StreetD,[Lat,Long]], ...]
1 NameA - DirectionB=[[StreetD @ StreetE,[Lat,Long]], [StreetF @ StreetG,[Lat,Long]], ...]
2 NameB - DirectionC=[[StreetH @ StreetI,[Lat,Long]], [StreetJ @ StreetK,[Lat,Long]], ...]
2 NameB - DirectionD=[[StreetL @ StreetM,[Lat,Long]], [StreetN @ StreetO,[Lat,Long]], ...]
With the Regex and Substitution,
RgX: ^([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*)
Sub: $2 - $3=[$1,[\4]]
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/gS9hD6/1
I have gotten this far:
1 NameA - DirectionA=[StreetA @ StreetB,[Lat,Long]]
1 NameA - DirectionA=[StreetC @ StreetD,[Lat,Long]]
1 NameA - DirectionB=[StreetE @ StreetF,[Lat,Long]]
1 NameA - DirectionB=[StreetG @ StreetH,[Lat,Long]]
2 NameB - DirectionC=[StreetI @ StreetJ,[Lat,Long]]
2 NameB - DirectionC=[StreetK @ StreetL,[Lat,Long]]
2 NameB - DirectionD=[StreetM @ StreetN,[Lat,Long]]
2 NameB - DirectionD=[StreetO @ StreetP,[Lat,Long]]
In a new regex, I tried splitting the above result on "=", but didn't know where to go from there.
I think one way to get the desired results would be to keep first unique instance of what's before "=", replace new line with "," and enclose it with a [..] to make it an array form.
Edit: There are about 10k stops (total), but only about 100 unique routes.
Edit 2: (maybe I am asking for too many changes now)
For first regex:
At beginning of 2nd regex replacement,
NameA - DirectionA=[StreetA @ StreetB, ...]
?1 NameA - DirectionA=[[Lat,Long]]
?1. First replacement:
\2 - \3=[[\1,[\4]]]
2. Second replacement:
, \2]
3. Repeat step 2 until there are no more occurences.
).I modified your regex in step 1 to add an extra pair of brackets that will enclose the whole set.
For step 2, it finds a pair of lines for the same Direction, appending the last to the previous one.
^[\S\s]*?^([^][]*=) #Group 1: captures "1 NameA - DirA="
\[\[.*\]\] #matches the set of Stops - "[[StA @ StB,[Lat,Long]], ..."
\K #keeps the text matched so far out of the match
\]\R #closing "]" and newline
\1 #match next line (if the same route)
\[(.*)\]$ #and capture the Stop (Group 2)