I'm using freeradius 3.0.8. I have the following configuration in the authenticate section of sites-enabled/default
Auth-Type PAP {
if("%{sql:SELECT radcheck.authstep FROM `radcheck` WHERE radcheck.username = '%{User-Name}' }" == 2){
update coa {
User-Name = "%{User-Name}"
Packet-Dst-IP-Address = ""
In radius debug log I can see it's trying to send the coa request but fails with the following warning.
(1) WARNING: Unknown destination for CoA request
However when I tried the same using radclient it worked.
echo "User-Name=EC-78-5F-DF-8A-C8" | radclient coa testing123
Only difference is I'm sending client secret with radclient command. I have already added this configuration to clients.conf
client {
secret = testing123
ipaddr =
I'm sure client configuration is correct since the Auth-Request from this client reach the radius.
Am I missing something here?. Is there an option to set coa secret in client.conf? Appreciate your input to resolve this.
After trial and error found the solution.
I had to add coa server configuration to clients.conf inorder to get this working.
home_server example-coa {
type = coa
ipaddr =
port = 3799
secret = testing123
coa {
irt = 2
mrt = 16
mrc = 5
mrd = 30
This is actually poorly documented in https://github.com/FreeRADIUS/freeradius-server/blob/master/raddb/sites-available/originate-coa