Please note that this error message is pretty low level, so it crops up for different reasons in different scenarios. If you have a scenario that isn't mentioned in one of the answers below, please consider adding your situation as well, so maybe this could be a central answer for various situations that raise this error message.
Edit Nov 10, 2015 Also note, I marked my own answer as the answer, but that was before anyone else had posted. I guess none should really be marked as the answer, because as we've now seen below... this error doesn't have just one answer because it's so low level.
I'm running
Everything was working fine yesterday.
Today, after a bunch of work on rotation related stuff, I started getting this error in my console output when I run the app in the Simulator and I rotate it.
_BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid capability (20)
_BSMachError: (os/kern) invalid name (15)
- I've cleared my build folder,
- I've cleaned the derived data folder,
- I've reset the simulator.
I was working with
UIViewController viewWillLayoutSubviews
UIViewController viewWillTransitionToSize:...
I was also checking various 'Drawing' settings on the Attributes Inspector in IB.
I also made a utility category on UIView where I created a bunch of methods that create CGRect
's and helps me assign frames to views.
Ok, I haven't pinned it down completely, but this will get you 99% of the way there. I'm using a third party map control from ESRI, and something about it doesn't like one of these drawing settings in the Attributes Inspector. I haven't tried each setting individually to see which setting it is, but when I turned all of them off (in the red box), everything worked like a charm, and I quit getting the error message above in the console. If and when I get time to nail it down to the precise setting or combination of settings, i'll update the answer.