I am using two sources in Cognos.
Source #1 - Old source
Source #2 - Current/New Source
Previously there was only one source, that's source1. Then people from DW team started migrating/mirroring data from Source1 to Source2, eventually some data were added in Source2 that aren't available in Source 2. Same thing with Source1, some data are available in Source1 that are not yet migrated in Source2 but the people/users are already requesting a report using Cognos. they can't wait to have the report, so they suggested that. If data is available from both sources, overwrite data from old source (SOURCE 1) with data from (SOURCE 2)
Is there a way to overwrite data from the other source? If data is available from both sources, overwrite data from old source (SOURCE 1) with data from (SOURCE 2)
The column names that I used are not the actual columns.
Policy_Number Policy_Holder_Name
1234 GroceryStore
5678 ToyShop
5555 BeautyShop
4444 Booksale
8899 Cards
7777 Electronics
and SOURCE 2
Policy_Number Policy_Holder_Name
1234 GroceryStore
5678 ToyShop
5555 BeautyShop
4444 Booksale
8899 Cards
2468 FreshMeat
1357 Hardware
Results should look like this.
Policy_Number Policy_Holder_Name
1234 GroceryStore
5678 ToyShop
5555 BeautyShop
4444 Booksale
8899 Cards
7777 Electronics
2468 FreshMeat
1357 Hardware
Should I create two query subjects in query explorer? Source1 and Source2. Then should I left outer join Source 2 on Source1?
Should I use the cardinality? Im not quite sure on this move. I could try it however I am dealing with 160 rows here. Or should I try Union? I need help please. Thank you.
Source 1 = Source 2
1..1 Inner Join = 0..1 Left outer Join
If you have a better idea I'd be more than happy to try that!
I would use a full outer join, 0..1 to 0..1 assuming both subqueries are rolled up to the same grain. This will give you access to all values and you can pick and choose in custom data items with a simple CASE statement:
WHEN [Source1].[Policy_Number] is not missing and [Source2].[Policy_Number] is not missing THEN [Source2].[Policy_Number]
WHEN [Source1].[Policy_Number] is not missing and [Source2].[Policy_Number] is missing THEN [Source1].[Policy_Number]
WHEN [Source1].[Policy_Number] is missing and [Source2].[Policy_Number] is not missing THEN [Source2].[Policy_Number]
You can use this pattern to enforce any logic you like. The key thing is to cover all scenarios and indicate what value to use in each situation.