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Barracuda installation not possible on win10

I am unable to install Barracuda Netwrok Access client on any win 10 PC.

Installation wizzard fails on the last screen few seconds after "Install" button was clicked on.

enter image description here

Installation wizzard was run as Administrator. I also tried to change the setup.exe compatibility properties with no effect.

In Windows Event Viewer I have found: "Installation was finished with success or error: 1603". Error 1603 means one of the following:

  • Folder I want Barracuda install into is encryped (It is not)
  • I want to install it onto a substitude drive (No)
  • I do not have full controll permission on the installation folder (No. I also tried to change the folder location - with no effect)

My config:

  • System: Win10 Pro
  • Application: Barracuda 3.6

Can anyone help me to solve this problem?


  • Solved. There must be MS Outlook turned off while trying to instal Barracuda. The problem was caused by MS Lync integration.