I am looking to see if someone can provide me the php code in order to grab the utm_source value from a URL and insert it as a targeting criteria in a Google DFP tag.
Not sure how much more info you need to help but this is sample code of what I am using to grab the wordpress categoery. This is going into the DFP perfectly. Need something that will do the same but with the utm_source of the URL
$category = get_the_category(); //Get categories
echo 'googletag.pubads().setTargeting("category", "' .htmlspecialchars($category[0]-
>cat_name) . '");'; //Output first category
This is actually very simple to do. First define a dynamic key-value (let's call it utm) in DFP Admin. Predefined would not work in this case. Then as Marty said get the utm_source and output it as follows:
$utm = $_GET["utm_source"];
echo 'googletag.pubads().setTargeting("category", "' .htmlspecialchars($category[0]->cat_name) . '").setTargeting("utm","'.htmlspecialchars($utm).'");