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AngularJS tooltips/popovers with ng-repeated content

I am using Foundation 5 with AngularJS in my project. I have the following use case:

  1. Click on a 'div' which is inside an ng-repeat.
  2. Fetch a list specific to that div in response to the click.
  3. Show that list in an ng-repeat in a tooltip/popover of that div(which was clicked).

How do I go about generating that tooltip?

I tried:

  1. this library but I encountered some issues as mentioned in this question.
  2. angular-foundation, but the popovers here don't have a popover-template functionality(like in ui.bootstrap).

AND I don't want to use ui.bootstrap because I am using Foundation 5 (Its a bad idea, right?).


  • Cannot say what "approach" exactly you need, in your particular case (fetch a list of something after something else has been clicked) - but you can always generate the content of the tooltip on the fly :

    <a href="#" class="has-tip" tooltip-html-unsafe="{{ buildToolTip() }}">TEST</a>

    function :

    $scope.buildToolTip = function() {
       var list = ''
       for (var i=0;i<3;i++) {
          list+='<li><em>element #'+i+'</em></li>';
       return '<ul>'+list+'</ul>' 

    now use the outcome of "Fetch a list specific to that div in response to the click" instead of the demonstration loop - you have the fetched list stored in a $scope variable somewhere anyway, I assume?