I want to inject Restangular in my app to communicate with via REST.
So, here I am know with an error:
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: RestangularProvider <- Restangular <- Api
is my own module here. What I'm doing:
- Creating a main module called Dashboard
- Creating a submodule called API
Now I want to use Restangular, but couldn't figure out how Angular is managing the dependencies...
Here is my sub-module where I inject Restangular:
angular.module( 'dashboard.api', ['restangular']).factory('Api', ['$http', 'Config', 'Restangular', function($http, Config, Restangular) {
My main module, Dashboard, doesn't need to inject Restangular, right?
angular.module( 'dashboard', [ 'dashboard.api'])
How is the injection-depency working within submodules? How can I integrate Restangular in my app?
EDIT: Source file is included:
Okay I found the problem and the solution.
You have to differ between restangular
(the module) and Restangular
the service.
First, you have to include the main module of restangular into your app:
For me, it was this (polygon
is a submodule of my app:
angular.module('polygons', ['restangular']);
Then, I wanted to inject restangular into a factory of that submodule:
angular.module('polygons').factory('polygonService', ['Restangular', polygonService]);
function polygonService(Restangular) {
// ...
This works for me. Hope this helps.