I am using streaming-s3 node-modules, which is working fine on my local machine.
But on live it doesn't seem working. I have https enabled on live server.
if i disabled https on live server my uploading is working fine .
Here is my code
exports.uploadFile = function (fileReadStream, awsHeader, cb) {
//set options for the streaming module
var options = {
concurrentParts: 2,
waitTime: 20000,
retries: 2,
maxPartSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024
//call stream function to upload the file to s3
var uploader = new streamingS3(fileReadStream, config.aws.accessKey, config.aws.secretKey, awsHeader, options);
//start uploading
uploader.begin();// important if callback not provided.
// handle these functions
uploader.on('data', function (bytesRead) {
console.log(bytesRead, ' bytes read.');
uploader.on('part', function (number) {
console.log('Part ', number, ' uploaded.');
// All parts uploaded, but upload not yet acknowledged.
uploader.on('uploaded', function (stats) {
console.log('Upload stats: ', stats);
uploader.on('finished', function (response, stats) {
logger.log('info', "UPLOAD ", response);
cb(null, response);
uploader.on('error', function (err) {
console.log('Upload error: ', err);
logger.log('error', "UPLOAD Error: ", err);
Any idea about this
You need to enable ssl in your client, add sslEnabled
option like following
var options = {
sslEnabled: true,
concurrentParts: 2,
waitTime: 20000,
retries: 2,
maxPartSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024
you can check more about the options you can use http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/Config.html